Green Building

Many buildings constructed within the last decade have already experienced major failures due to water damage and air leakage across the building envelope that caused condensation and mold growth. Now, building scientists are emphasizing the benefits of using effective air barriers for homeowners and trades. Air barriers significantly reduce random air leakage, conserving up to 40 percent of a building’s energy loss and improving indoor air quality, when combined with mechanical ventilation. Air barriers also extend the life of a building by minimizing the flow of airborne moisture that can breed condensation, mold growth and decay. Spray Foam Insulation delivers high-performance solutions for efficient building envelopes, thermal comfort and a healthy living environment – all of which are integral components of green building and design. Spray Foam Insulation can also contribute points/credits to LEED for Homes + the NAHB National Green Building Standard.
The First LEED® Platinum Home in Texas featured DEMILEC (USA) LLC.® Spray Foam Insulation, installed by Healthy Solutions, LLC!